Ставлю java по инструкции /myubuntu.ru/faq/kak-ustanovit-oracle-java-7-v-ubuntu-12-04 , не получается /pastebin.com/JSUvHAkC :(
7-04-12, 10:02
java 1.7 надо ставить так /docs.webfaction.com/software/java.html
18-04-12, 08:36
If you want to remove oracle-jdk7-installer, you can simply go to /var/lib/dpkg/info/ It takes some time to load, and delete all files which starts with oracle-java7*** there was ~6files, then go to Synaptic and simply locate same oracle-jdk and click remove/completly remove.
This is where I found it: /ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11821814
Good luck!
Edit: here are the 3 steps to easily do this:
Open a terminal (ctrl + alt + T) and type those two commands successively:
cd /var/lib/dpkg/info/ sudo rm oracle-java7-installer* Open synaptic, search for "oracle-java7-installer", mark it for complete removal and click "apply".
Реально помогает удалить этот косяк.
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